Select text here

Creating a text selection from here to the next paragraph will result in too many rectangles in Chrome <= 54.

Praesent a convallis magna. Fusce rutrum finibus purus ut blandit. Donec ultrices nunc sit amet felis semper, et auctor lorem auctor. Donec purus libero, sagittis vitae quam sit amet, volutpat tristique purus. Nam eleifend sodales nulla a consequat. Donec malesuada blandit quam, luctus semper nisl tempus tempor. Quisque egestas malesuada consectetur.

In the next paragraph place your cursor inside 'Lorem' then extend the selection right over the image (shift+right). When you shrink the selection back with shift+left you will get too many rectangles in Firefox.

Lorem ipsum

Foo bar



Some programmatically created selections can also be problematic:

This selection can be created by triple clicking in Firefox, but will also break in Chrome if set programmatically:

Selecting across line wraps can cause bounding rect bugs:

Bug detection
Browser zoom